We are a 100% volunteer-driven organization, and we achieve our mission through the wonderful group of volunteers that serve.
Currently we have openings for our food distribution activities. These volunteers are the “face of the food pantry” to our clients and distribute food at the Job and Family Services building (old county home on Rt. 13 outside Chauncey) Monday through Friday from 10AM to 3PM (in several 3-hour shifts).
Since these volunteer positions are so important, we require some training and “shadowing” with an established volunteer first. In return, we ask that you make a volunteer commitment to serve for a period of time, like one shift a week for a few months. We’ll coordinate with you to find a time each week that works for you.
We are always looking for volunteers with special skills. If you have administrative, financial, photography, blog writing, or technology/web skills, for example, please contact us. We’d love to talk to you about how you can contribute!
Can’t commit to being a regular volunteer? Then please consider holding a food drive instead.
Other food organizations are always looking for volunteers as well, and often can handle one-time or short-term volunteer opportunities. The Southeastern Ohio Foodbank, in Logan, OH serves as a clearing house for folks interested in volunteering for food insecurity and may be able to direct you to other organizations in our area in need of volunteers (such as the Salvation Army, etc.) – you can see more at this link: http://hapcap.org/volunteer.