Read about how we are serving many more families now than last year, and some special summer events.
Read about how we are serving many more families now than last year, and some special summer events.
This Sunday, October 7th is the Athens Crop Hunger Walk. (https://www.crophungerwalk.org/athensoh).
25% from the walk is staying local and being shared with the Athens County Food Pantry. Dogs on leashes welcome. (Don’t forget the clean-up bag!)
In conjunction with the walk, the Food Pantry will host an open house from 1 to 3 PM at 528 Richland Avenue (next to Edward Jones Investments). Come by and see what the Pantry does locally to help fight hunger in Athens County.
“Together, we can help end hunger in our community and around the world!”
Sign up for our newsletter so you can become a friend of the Food Pantry.
We'll send you quarterly updates on what we are doing to fight hunger and food insecurity, what it's like "behind the scenes," and how we are expanding our services.
As a special bonus for signing up, we'll send you a link to our "Recipes of Iconic Athens Restaurants and Chefs" PDF booklet.
We're always looking for dedicated volunteers. If you might be interested, please contact us.
Your final welcome e-mail will have a link to our PDF recipe book. Enjoy! (If you don't see the invitation e-mail, please check your spam folder.)